Resources included are as follows:
26 pdf files.
Information pack about forces, different types of forces, and balanced and unbalanced forces – can be used as a lesson or for display.
Information pack about Sir Isaac Newton – to be used a s a lesson or for display..
Key word cards for display or discussion.
Writing borders, frames, a range of writing pages for experiments, word search, scientist badges, worksheet, work booklet cover, mind map etc.
Large letters with arrows decoration, large lettering with borders, long banner, display borders – patterned and plain, backing paper to print if needed, folder cover and resources sack tag.
(this set is also available separately with British spelling: Ladybird)
Resources included are as follows:
75 PDF files for you to print.
Information poster, fact cards, key word cards, photo packs, lifecycle photo pack, lifecycle poster in colour, A3 species poster, question cards, quiz, word searches.
Literacy and other activities
Colouring pages, 4 in a row game, alphabet flashcards, writing frames and pages, days of the week flashcards, months of the year flashcards, acrostic poem to complete, can / have / are worksheet, finger puppets, high frequency word cards, poem to read and act out, pairs matching card game, other drawing and writing tasks.
Label the insect parts worksheet, label the lifecycle, draw the stages of lifecycle, colouring page of lifecycle, body parts poster, key words bingo game, cut and stick activity, draw a habitat, mind map, Reward charts.
Maths activities
Counting, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication worksheets and interactive activities with a range of levels of difficulty, number chart 1-100, number flashcards, number bingo game,
Extra large ladybird /ladybug to use for display, large arrows to display lifecycle with photos, Long banner to head display, large lettering, buntings for decoration, display borders patterned and plain, backing paper to print if needed, binder cover and drawer labels, resources sack tag.
Resources included:
•Story presentation – with adorable pictures, retelling the outline of the story.
•Guided questions pack, alphabet flashcards, word mat, story board, retell the story, story elements, character description to write, speech bubbles to complete, ‘oa’ and ‘ll’ worksheets, other literacy resources
•Face masks in colour in colour and black and white, hand puppets, role play props
•Number square 1-10 with troll theme, number flashcards, table top number line.
•Booklet cover to keep pupils work together, cut and stick activity wanted poster to make, colouring pages, memory pairs game, sequencing activity, writing pages, design a new troll, quiz, character cards etc•Goats photo pack, fact posters, title page, character and scene flashcards, faces for display, character name flashcards, large lettering, long banner, display borders, bunting, key word cards and other display items.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
Sugar information pack discussing what sugar is, where it comes from, different names, foods with high added sugar, drinks with high sugar etc.
50 A4 posters showing different drinks with their calories content, sugar in grams and sugar in teaspoons.
Drinks sorting card activity to put them in order of best to worst.
Drinks comparison posters showing several similar drinks to compare and discuss.
Poster showing top 10 worst drinks.
Photo pack of foods, drinks, sugar plants etc.
Healthy snacks posters.
Acrostic poem to complete, food diary, all about sugar booklet to fill in, mind map, sugar research task, word search, writing frames, sugar booklet cover to make into project.
Display materials including borders, backing paper, large lettering and long banner to head wall display, sack tag.
This great pack of teaching resources includes everything you need to teach about the organs of the human body at key stage 2.
Information files about each of the major organs is included. They can be used on the whiteboard and read out as a class or can be printed and used for a great colourful history display. Files included are: brain, diet, ears, exercise and sleep, heart, kidneys, liver, eyes, lungs, skeleton, stomach, intestines, skin, teeth. Each file gives brief details about the organ, its position in the body and its function, as well as diagrams to demonstrate them.
Writing booklet covers, themed writing frames, label the diagram of body parts for organs and bones, acrostic poems, eye test chart, sign language and braille posters, x-ray images etc are all included.
Display materials have been added such as display borders, banners, backing papers, long banners to head display, lettering, display word cards etc.
Resources included are as follows:
Story presentation – retelling he story.
Face masks in black and white and colour. Hand puppets, story props, vegetable name cards with pictures and words, vegetable word cards, days of the week word cards, days sorting cards
A4 topic title page, long banner to head wall display, extra large title lettering, display borders and backing paper if needed, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, odd and even flashcards, healthy eating long banner, vegetables photos flashcards, harvest photo flashcards, topic word flashcards, story sack, word mat
Food diary, character descriptions to write, addition game, hand puppet to make, thought and speech bubbles, character colouring pages, create a poster, draw a veggie patch, describe your favourite part of the story, draw a meal, filling in the missing words sheet, fill in the speech bubbles, flower pot craft activity, veg bingo game, garden sums shopping activity, vegetables pictures and words matching cards, make a healthy and unhealthy lunchbox, healthy choices game, I like this story because…, seed labels for growing vegetables, seed packets to make, large labels, make a photo frame, make a presentation, anagrams, mind map, nuns and adjectives worksheet, quiz, writing sheets, writing booklet cover, writing borders and sheets, word search, story board and other resources.
Resources included are as follows:
62 PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
Photo pack of fruits and vegetables.
40 A5 flashcards of different fruit and veg to use as display or for role play props.
Fruit and veg shop sign, welcome to our shop sign, location signs for different zones within the shop, open and closed sign, please pay here sign, thank you for shopping sign, jobs list to complete, receipt to write, price list to fill in, price promotion posters, price tags, opening times sign, staff of the day sign, stock take form, shopping list to fill in, notes pad, face masks and hand puppets in colour and black and white, order form, promotion poster to make, special offers sign, staff role play badges, food display words for around the shop, coins to use to spend in shop.
Acrostic poem to complete, food diary, all about fruit and veg booklet to fill in, mind map, 3 word searches, writing frames, writing booklet cover to make into project, sentence writing sheet, alphabetical order worksheet, apple counting task, colouring pages, speech bubbles to complete to evidence role play work, draw a harvest, harvest information presentation, harvest photo cards, make a mobile, money denominations poster, money fans, draw a farmer task, food words and pictures matching cards game, make a mobile, sharing apples cut and stick task, shops sums maths activity, hand writing practise sheets.
Display materials including borders, backing paper, large lettering to spell ‘fruit and veg shop’, long banner to head wall display, sack tag, binder cover and drawer labels, learning objective tracker.
The pack includes all the resources you need for teaching the topic of fossils such as information files about what fossils are, where to find them, dating fossils, fossils of dinosaurs, marine reptiles, fish, birds, amphibians, mammoths etc. Photo posters are included for all types of fossils and make great discussion points or a perfect display. Key word cards and activities are also included as well as all display materials such as fossil display borders and backing paper.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print. You could also use them on the IWB.
Story presentation, large story props, colourful hand puppets, black and white hand puppets, colourful face masks for all characters, black and white face masks to colour, character and scene flashcards, character name labels, alphabet mats with wolf and Little Red Riding Hood pictures, alphabet flashcards, acrostic poem template, adjectives lesson, basic play script, bingo game, addition game, subtraction game, scrabble game, large speech bubbles of the famous quotes from the story, blank thought and speech bubbles to complete, themed writing exercises, character colouring pages, colours flashcards, forest animals photo flashcards, woodland scene photo pack, wolves photo pack, cottages photo pack, create a new scene writing or drawing exercise, draw a new gift for grandma, draw a woodland scene, write character facts, habitats posters, topic title page for introduction, borders and backing paper to print for display if needed, draw a meal for grandma, draw a wolf in clothes, long banner to head wall display, look through the binoculars drawing task, make a wanted poster for the wolf, write an apology letter from the wolf, large trees to use for display, large basket image for display or role play, large lettering to head display, letters bunting spelling story title, jigsaw, fill in the speech bubbles activity sheet, draw your favourite part of the story, I like this story because…writing task, high frequency word cards, make words from letters task, make your own hand puppet, number square 1-100, retell the story from the wolf’s point of view, story board to complete, story elements to complete, story sequencing cut and stick activity, table top number line, reward charts, questions for before, after and during the story, scrabble game, size order activity, story sack tag, safety questions to help with discussions about talking to strangers, true or false quiz, wolves can/have/are writing task, word cards from the story, word mat, word search, writing booklet cover to use for project work, themed writing borders to frame pupils work, write a diary entry for grandma, treasure hunt game with cards, words starting with ‘r’ and ‘w’ worksheets, sentence writing activity.
A bumper pack of 100 FOOD lesson starters, activities and games to help you create exciting and engaging lessons…for use in schools or at home.
These activities and games are great fun for children between the ages of 10 and 16 and can be used individually, in pairs or in groups.
They encourage thinking and learning throughout and can be used with or without adult supervision.
Resources included are as follows:
35 PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
A range display materials including long banner, decorated letters for display heading, patterned display borders, backing paper, self esteem inspiration posters, self esteem information pack, changing your mindset posters, rosettes for speaking and listening activity, all things needed to make a climbing wall display showing how to raise your self esteem, I heart me posters, never give up poster, try your best poster, healthy self esteem quotes in A4 speech bubbles, folder cover and sack tag, flashcards of self esteem improvement ideas.
Many writing and drawing tasks for all areas of improving self esteem including – tasks for improving your self belief, valuing others, comparing yourself to others, being yourself, appreciating yourself, looking after your body, avoiding negativity, facing fears, rewarding yourself, not being perfect etc
All about me simple writing task and booklet to complete, postcard to complete, I am special group task, reward charts, self booklet cover to keep work together, true or false quiz, awards day rosettes, writing and drawing frames, drawing and describing your friend task.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
A range of over 200 A5 flashcards of food from around the world, covering the following countries:
United Kingdom
Also includes A4 flags from each country and the country name for display.
All the areas showed on the signpost are included for you to print, cut and display similar to the example shown. Also a picture of wood grain is included to allow you to make the sign as small or large as you wish.
There are 20 signs all together – so you can make one large sign post. Several smaller ones, or just pick your favourite signs to display. Each sign is half an A4 in size, but can be printed smaller or photocopied larger.
Also included is a title for your board ‘Where will your reading take you this winter?’ as well as snowflakes to add interest to your display.
Resources included are as follows:
1.Large days of the week posters A4
2.Large months of the year posters A4
3.Large number posters A4 – 1 to 31
4.Large years posters A4 – 2015 to 2030
5.Large ordinal number posters A4 – 1st to 31st
6.Large weather symbols posters A4 – sunny, cloudy, windy etc
7.Large clothes posters A4 – sunglasses, wellies, coat, hat, gloves etc
8.Small days of the week flashcards
9.Small months of the year flashcards
10.Small number flashcards– 1 to 31
11.Small years flashcards– 2015 to 2030
12.Small ordinal number flashcards– 1st to 31st
13.Small weather symbols flashcards– sunny, cloudy, windy etc
14.Small clothes flashcards– sunglasses, wellies, coat, hat, gloves etc
15.Large letters to head a wall display
16.Backing paper to print, in matching colours if needed.
17.Long banner with title and multicultural faces.
18.A4 topic page to use for small display or add to folders or label resource boxes
19.5 patterned and plain display borders to edge wall display
20.Letters bunting
21.Resources sack label
22.Sunny day drawing activity
23.Clear day drawing activity
24.Rainy day drawing activity
25.Cold day drawing activity
26.Snowy day drawing activity
27.6 hand writing practice sheets for weather types
28.Large thermometer poster for display or discussion
29.All about the weather booklet to make
30.Mind map worksheet
31.Draw the weather symbols worksheet
32.Draw todays weather activity
33.Tall hart of weather for the month
34.Month flashcards with weather symbols to make suggestions of season (northern hemisphere)
35.Picture bunting
36.Table top chart – showing dates, days, months, years, weather words.
37.Weather symbols fan
38.9 writing or drawing frames for pupils work
Bear species information pack, Bear flashcards A5, habitat , facts posters, fact cards, map of the world
Alphabet flashcards, Hand writing worksheets, Days of the week flashcards, Months of the year flashcards, Alphabet train with bears, poem posters, writing worksheets and activities, adjectives cards, sight word cards, story board, word mat,
‘air’ sound word cards includes words such as bear, dare, hair etc
Air and ear cards to be completed by pupils with topic cards and worksheet
Bear face masks, Hand puppets, Bingo game, Colouring pages, cut and stick activity, Dress the teddy – drawing activity, several drawing activities, pairs cards game, colouring pages, mind map, make a 3D bear, quiz, writing activities, book marks, well done cards, word search, fact cards etc
Bear photo pack, Useful images for display, display borders, long banner, large lettering, key word cards, drawer labels, triangle bunting, and other display materials.
Number flashcards, Odd and even number flashcards, Addition games, subtraction game, shapes posters, counting cards, colour flashcards
Posters included on the disc include:
1.Alphabet flashcards – upper and lower case letters on different fruits
2.Alphabet poster
3.Sight word posters
4.Alphabet flashcards a-z of multicultural children's faces
5.Number square 1-100
6.Number poster with cute animals to count 1-20
7.Shapes poster for younger children
8.Shapes poster for older children
9.Times tables poster with different designs for girls and boys
10.Diversity poster – showing the diversity quote and images of children with different skin tones.
11.Welcome poster with images of different children of different skin tones
12.‘Together we’ poster – showing multicultural children doing different activities together
13.No smoking policy poster
14.Fire exit signs
15.Fire evacuation procedure poster
16.5 a Day - shows different food and vegetables and portion sizes.
17.Feelings poster
18.How to wash your hands poster
19.Healthy snacks poster
20.Now wash your hands poster to be displayed in toilets
21.Activity planner – to list daily activities on for the week.
22.11 area signs – showing where different things take place – such as toilet signs, painting area signs, play area etc
23.Activity posters – showing how many children should take part in each activity
24.Reward charts – different designs for boys and girls
25.Reward charts templates for children to make themselves
26.Certificates for children for good behaviour etc
27.Animals poster
28.Colours poster
29.Days of the week flashcards
30.Months flashcards
31.Numbers 1-31 flashcards
32.Years flashcards
33.Weather chart with dates, days, months and years cards to be added to the weather chart daily
34.Weather symbols cards to be added to the chart
35.Clothes images to be added to the chart
Resources include:
Café sign, Areas around the café signs such as sandwich bar etc, Open and closed signs, food flashcards, word cards for foods, price cards, smoothie posters, healthy snacks posters, special offer signs, other signs such as: wash your hands / opening times / hot drinks available / price lists / pay here / menus etc, staff role play badges, receipts to complete, orders pad, menus to make, phonics flashcards, alphabet flashcards, face masks for staff and customers, pairs cards, drawing and writing activities, hygiene activities, colouring pages, hazard discussion cards, meal planning task, money poster, quiz and coins to use, long banner, large letters, display borders, number flashcards, sentences to complete and other resources.
Resources included are as follows:
•60 pdf files.
•Pancake Day information pack, photo pack, fact cards, key word cards, hygiene poster, money denominations poster, recipe to make basic pancake.
•Face masks, hand puppets, shop open and closed posters, pancake shop sign, welcome to our shop sign, locations around the shop signs such as drinks area etc, pancakes on sale here sign, ingredients and utensils flashcards, labels to add to practical resources, ingredients checklist, shopping list to complete, price cards, menus, blank price cards to vary levels, coins to cut out and use in shop, shopping list to complete, message pad, opening times sign, price list poster to complete, promotions poster to complete, orders pad, receipt pad, please pay here sign, thank you for shopping sign, place mat, special offer signs, parking bay signs, staff role play badges.
•Display borders, backing paper for if needed, title lettering spelling Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Day, long banner, bunting, folder cover, resources sack tag, A4 pancake image to use for display or role play.
•Alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, colouring pages, draw favourite toppings, hygiene task, make a presentation, acrostic poem to complete, menu template to complete, money quiz template, pairs matching game with pictures, words matching cards game, poem to read and act out, certificates for pancake race, work search, sentence summary worksheet, writing booklet cover, writing frames, writing pages with pictures and drawing frames.
Resources are included for literacy, numeracy, science, animals, crafts, role play shop, display, organisation etc
100 files have been included with the following resources contained:
Role play shop resources, shop area signs, shop door signs, pay here and thank you for coming signs, sales records to complete, order form, pets for sale sign, opening times sign, open and closed signs, receipt pads, order forms, coin images and quiz, flashcards for items on sale in shop, price cards, price list, Pet flashcards, dog types flashcards, cat types flashcards, alphabet cards, alphabet mats, animal noises poster, key word display cards, habitat posters, handwriting practise sheets, number flashcards, odd and even number flashcards, alphabetical order worksheets, alliteration writing, speaking and listening tasks, pet photos and names matching cards, bingo game, word cards, good work reminder posters, colouring pages, colour flashcards, counting cards, design and animal collar task, face masks for different pets, 3 bingo games, certificates, writing booklets, counting booklet, looking after pets rules poster, animal safety information, pet owner diary task, pet poems, role play badges, design a dog tag, writing activities, drawing activities, cut and stick activity, sorting animals wild or pet, make pet photo frames, writing frames, size order task, rhyming word cards, spelling bookmarks, times tables posters, reward charts, word search, display borders, backing paper, long banner to head display etc etc.